There's nothing priceless than being a precious human..

There's nothing priceless than being a precious human..

Friday, April 1, 2011

What should i say..

It happened on yesterday morning while my frenx and i were waiting for Dr Asiah to finish up her class since we will be going to use the same lab for Negotiation & Persuasion course with our beloved Dr. Dinna.

Suddenly i saw Dr Mazli was walking along the way where we had sit.  As a student, i should greet him to show my respect.  And i said "Good morning Dr Mazli"... Yes, i can see he smile and he stopped for a second juz to say "Hi, Good Morning.. Btw, I have a part 2 student look alike yr face" Me:  Ayyak.. daa..
Dr Mazli in da midde.. (taken from fb account.yeayy)

Fact:  We're born with 7 look alike faces.

But i guess there were so many people who told me
"i've fren look alike u"
"i think i've seen u before"
"a fren of my fren is look alike yr face"
"yr face is look alike her... bla bla bla...."
 Hurm, wtever it is, im glad to be born as i am now.. Thanx Allah!

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