There's nothing priceless than being a precious human..

There's nothing priceless than being a precious human..

Friday, April 8, 2011

Happy 25hours Activate!

since last night i was preparing for persuasion presentation that will be evaluated diz morning.  Out of 6 people left to present, i was the fifth person.. ohohohoh... after presentation, we had short briefing with regard our negotiation presentation dat will be held by next week.. it was abt how the process will be going, where the public and government authority should take place and so forth..

then, went back for a short break wif Marimar!

at 4 p.m., went out to Plaza Alam Sentral (PAS) with Nadia to buy laptop adapter as well as to binding my next-to-be scrapbook (assessment for IBM530).  The scrapbook should be submitted by tomorrow morning, yet i didn't work on it.

arrived at home by 5:30 pm and on lappy for da sake of getting da faces of five successful entrepreneurs ready-printed form.

8:30 pm, went for printing, binding, and food searching from "kedai belakang Baiduri" to Sec2.  While waiting for taking away nasi goreng kg and mee goreng basah, i got phone call from a fren asking me if i hv time to accompany him for karoks!! i told him dat i've a lot of things to settle down by tonite and he understood.  then, nak dijadikan cerita.... suddenly he told me dat he'll be going to uitm seri iskandar tomorrow for a tournament.  aha... i can see stars at dat time.. heheh.. (actually, i need to pass my sis lappy to her fren on this weekend.  then, since i know someone can be trusted to pass the lappy, i asked him if he can pass my sis lappy and he said he'll think abt it as he will be going with group to Perak and worried if he can't afford to take the responsibility.. as for me, i juz say "is okay" then.. hello, eventhough im desperate, i cant force people to be responsible for a big matter..)

9:00 pm, he called me and asked if i can go out for a while as he's willing to help me. of course i said NO as im totally running out of time, yet many things still not in progressing.. however, i gave in as he did persuasion very well. (aku gile ke ape nk naye org dtg dr PJ ke Shah Alam semata2 nk amek lappy?? haiyyya) hahah.. we compromised that he will send me home by 11 pm and go out by 9:30 pm.

9:20 pm, arrived@Baiduri.. i realized that i left the photostat person forgot to give me the original paper (it's Nadiah' papers - the worst thing is she needs the papers to study for IBM test tomorrow.. huhu).. go back to the shop, luckily it is near to my apartment.. it took 10 minutes and my fren was already in front Baiduri.. haiyya.. i told him that i need 10 mins more.. then, he went to fill up petrol.. yet i juz arrived @ home when he come from patrol station and i asked for another 5 (there's a problem with under-maintenance lift.. it's really under-maintenance okay)

9:45 pm, get into his car and went to small karoks' place near Giant Sec7.  The place was fully used and we've to wait for another 2 songs.  Okay, juz wait then.. While we'd make compromise, he's still want to take 15 songs per pack.  No way!! I asked for only 7. hahaha... Layan jela until the last credit.

11:15 pm, finished karoks and we came out for our compromise.. i hv done mine, then, his turn. hahah.. he took my lappy.. yeayyy!!

11:30 pm. safely arrived at home.. directly gather all my things for scrapbook on my unique working area ~ on my bed (upper level of twin bed)... start writing, cutting, calculating, arranging, coloring, shaping, designing, glue-ing, pastel-ing... hahah... seriously hv no idea & juz follow my hands...

04:00 am. juz realized that i do not perform Isya' prayer yet.  Then, take 10..

04:10 am.  scrapbook progressing.............

06:30 am. perform Subuh prayer...

06:50 am. last touch-up.. finishing point!!!

07:00 am.  scrap papers become a scrapbook!! eventhough very simple, i satisfy with my very last minutes work.huhu... padan muka haku~ (part tulisan cantik sengaja tinggal dgn motif nk pinjam pen kengkawan later.. sdr tulisan x berapa nk creative and cantik, cover jela ngn colorful pen.. at least sdp mata lect tgk ble ade kaler sikit2..heheh) OFF TO SLEEP~ intentionally no set alarm clock... (nk tgk smpai ble aku ley lelap..hahah)

08:00 am. thanx Atikah for wake me up!!

08:30 am. go to class at Kenanga (ECO415 - case study presentation).  while listen to the presentation, hands are actively make-up the last words for scrapbook (after menagih simpati utk mendapatkan pen kaler2 ~ dan berjaya menarik perhatian Nurul, Ajit, Nuni.. thanx korg!) DONE with scrapbook, i jot down some important points for IBM Test which will be held after ECO class.. hahah.. Good JOB aida!!! 2 chapters should be covered, but i was only prepare for Corruption chapter only.. ape nk jadi, jadilah  aida...

10:40 am.  IBM Test! Allah blessed me!! =) The class end at 11:20 am.. Off to the parking area... My pak tam was not feeling well today... need to bring to the clinic.. hurghhh...

12:00 noon.  Mechanic come with aid from epy n kamal n others.. thanx guys.. and guess what??? pak tam suddenly turned okay and it was like nothing happened!! pfft!! However, I decided to go to the mechanic to add doss on pak tam.. so that, pak tam will become more aggressive. Pak Tam can only be taken by 5 pm or 6 pm and i decided to stay at Nuni's house. 

01:00 pm.  OFF TO BED

04:00 pm.  WAKE UP

06:30 pm.  Goodbye NUNI!!! GET PAK TAM BACK with fresh body and new accessories =p

07:00 pm.  Arrived at Baiduri

12:00 pm. Still active typing =P

Critical time always goes for critical things!!!

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