There's nothing priceless than being a precious human..

There's nothing priceless than being a precious human..

Sunday, April 24, 2011

oh my fren!! ck nor!!

CURRENTLY is really tension.. while tomorrow will be facing paper MGT417 (Information Systems), but i really do not hv feeling to do revision after 3 days break. huhu.. honestly =p

then, i opened up google page and search my name as i hv to "investigate" for something important related to me.. which was abandoned since last month, i guess.. hu3, i forgot, always forgot... esp when its related to unlikey things.. hurm.. my bad. lol

finally, guess what i found???

there's me!!! =p

then, i click on da famous faces' images and i met diz nice blog owned by my gorgeous fren - ck nor (norsyarinie young rockie-anak mat saleh ni.. hehe).. cknor, ko tlh memfofularkan aku n da gang!! lol
btw, i didn't yet go through da whole blog since my Mr Motivation already called before i drowning for yr blog.
nice welcomie yeah =) ahlan wasahlan..

p/s:  cknor, mine didn't hv followers & it is for purposes =) Miss u damn much!!

tetibe segan ngn ko, sbb grammar berterabur, vocab men belasah je.. tp nk wat gane, aku ttp gedik nk berbahasa omputih.. naseb la kalu ko pening bc blog aku nih.. huhu..

salam sayang~ S.A.H.A.B.A.T

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