There's nothing priceless than being a precious human..

There's nothing priceless than being a precious human..

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Im Done with Negotiation!

Killer Date:  Apr 14, 2011

Massive Time:  10:30 AM - 01:00 PM

The situation warrants a negotiation between two parties mainly, the gov and members of the public sector.  The public are very upset with a number of public amenities agencies that have been privatized.  They have discriminately increased the rates.  The public sector would like to negotiate with the gov to ask them to get the agencies to reduce the current rates.

Duration:  30 minutes per group

Public claim:                         Gov authority:
Nurul & Ary                  VS            Nuni & Me
Fiza & Ili                       VS           Nadia & Laura
Atikah & Didi                VS           Amalina & Jaja Shaza
De & Farah                   VS           Jaja Aisyah & Nadia (immune)

Faces captured after we did nego:-

congrats to all!! 

Last presentation with Dr Dinna for this semester.. Alhamdulillah~TQ Allah!

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