There's nothing priceless than being a precious human..

There's nothing priceless than being a precious human..

Friday, April 8, 2011

Big Thank You Abg Long!!

Abang Long, thank you!!!

Im sorry, but i juz couldn't bear da feelings.. i felt so bad & didn't know what to do in this sunny afternoon.. it was so suck thinking of something dat i didn't expect to happen for this time being as i have a lot of other things to cover right now.. i was really tired & fully exhausted!! i had a very massive brain right now!! and the fact is that starting from today, there will be only one week left before the study week..

Yes!!!! study week will be starting from Apr 16th and my first final exam paper will start on 21st Apr.. and with dis one week left, i have so many killer things to settle down.. tests for business and nego course.. simulation for negotiation.. final presentation for negotiation..

Abg Long, I felt so shame as i have to put burden on u when i know dat i should be more brave and ready to face for any challenge.  Thanks for yr supports and motivation... im proud to have a motivated-born brother like u!! After all, u hold da born-titled as u r the most respected motivator to the others...

I hope i'll be given chance to pay u back once i enter da career field. Amin.. (im shame enough to ask money.. why can't money stay forever wif me??) huhuhu

*my eyes were teary, my heart hurts & i wonder why i feel so sad today..

"no matter what happens, u hv to face it.. don't run!! take it as a challenge for a better life.. bear in yr mind that u know u can do something to cope" (pesanan seorang abang kpd adik)

*today's financial aid topup: RM1,000 via cimb account (not to brag, but as to mk me always remember to what hv been given to me)
*pak tam nyawa2 ikan~ medical cost: RM135 + cuci2 service.. with hope pak tam akan rasa disayangi and please don't gv me problem anymore..
*big thanx to LGB5AB guys who helped me a lot (epi,kamal,muaz,hazlami,che mede,amir,kamil,ajit + tukang try start moto smpai pak tam selsema) .. jasamu akan kukenang sampai ku kawen ngn anak YB Dato' =p 
*not forgotten, thanx atikah for accompanying me today.. also to ayuni afatin for welcome us to stay at yr calm house ( i slept with comfort ok) while waiting for pak tam to get medical services.  thanx jgk for nice cooking.. i will miss yr udang masak merah, bergedil and ayam berempah =) nnti lau nuni datang umah aida, aida pun akan serve mknn yg sedap2... sedap dr dapur tunjuk2.. heheh =p

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