There's nothing priceless than being a precious human..

There's nothing priceless than being a precious human..

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Love to laugh

it's kind of being cursed everytime im going to "be kind wif my books".. to be actual, it's always happen when da very last minute for me to study for tests or quizzes.. and the most terrible is it's even happened during my final exam.. haiyya... how good and "smart-study" type i am =p

instead of sleeping all da day (dats the side effect when i go through for books.. and its happen everytime.. kind of hilarious rite.. hahaha), then i googled through youtube and it's my pleasure to watch Mary Poppins... how i really miss my toddler time.. we can just do whatever we wanna do and anything we do will not cause for too big deal effect, i guess.. hahah.. it's just coz we're still young and we've depend too much on our beloved parents.. and of course, the childhood will never can be the same.. we all hv to grow up and live on our own.. btw, back to MP...  i really love da way how Jane and Michael growing up.. they learned so many things during their childhood and it does motivate me too much..

*i wonder how notty my children will be..... in future.. me at young age??? im not so sure wif "nottiness" but im very sure that i gv too much burden to my parents since i was small compared to my brothers and younger sisters... lol.. thanx mak n ayah for being very patient to grow me up.. i luv both of u.. muahhxxx <3

now, here we go... one of my fav part in da movie... do enjoy yrself ;-)

catch the most witty part they had =P

i'm having such a good time.. i wish u could all stay up here all the time
we will jolly well we have to.. there's no way to get down
oh no.. there's a way
frankly, i don't like to mention it, because you have to think of something sad
then, do get on with it please...
let me see.... i've got the very thing...

yesterday, when the lady next door answered the bell, there was a man there
and the man said to the lady "i am terribly sorry.. i just ran over yr cat"
oh.. that sad..
the poor cat..
and the man said "i would like to replace yr cat"
and the lady said "that's alright with me.. but how are you at catching mice?"

Well.. u know.. i started out sad.. I try.. really i do..
but everything ends up hilarious..
i can't.. i can't help

hahahaha... they just love to laugh and cannot stop it.. wt a merrier moment they had and i wonder if this really happen to me... wt is the max hour that i can stand laughing and laughing... lol

OMG: i supposed to update for my Information System lorh... Aida!! plz bare in yr mind.. it's chapter 4,5,6 and 7.. not song 4,5,6 and 7!!! haiyya... 
Me:  OK... plz bless me ya ;-)

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