There's nothing priceless than being a precious human..

There's nothing priceless than being a precious human..

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Happy 24th to Norhidayati Mohd

Dear my 2 days sister-in-advanced.. aka my kakak 2 hari,

First and foremost, I thank to Allah for giving me this chance to gv some wishes on yr special day.. (hahah... what a schema line here @_@ ) Btw, do you still remember when i used to call u "my kakak 2 hari"?? hehehe.. It's a fact right... And I hope u're OK with that... No hurt heart taw..

Again, Happy Birthday to you... Norhidayati Mohd.  Hope it's swell just like you... and have a blast!!!
giler old school gmbar.. i snatched from hidayati's album okay.. btw, diz pic looks vr suit what.. yatie, da hamper that u hold is from us ^_^ believe or not, diz is da only gurls in our class-11 of us.. huhu
p/s:  You're are getting older and older matured and matured (juz can't bear to use "older" and "older".. hahah).. So, don't forget to act like 24th one.. hihi.. Last but not least, May Allah s.w.t. bless you always, all yr dreams will come true... and hv a healthy-life..

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