There's nothing priceless than being a precious human..

There's nothing priceless than being a precious human..

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Ayuni Afatin.. HB!!!

Last time we'd surprise celebration on yr 21st but not this yr coz we hv no class today... Unfortunately, all classes were cancelled!!! Btw, i know u might enjoy yr day wif yr MIKA this yr... Heheh... I wish all yr dreams come true & hv a blast k!!

Me with the bufday gurl..Ayuni Afatin... U're juz so cute & i luv u lah *_*

I got a song for u, babe..Hope u enjoy this!!

1 comment:

  1. aida!!miss u..baru tgok blog ni oke..hehehe..thanks for the wish!!hahaha..wish u happy ever after!i miss u dear ;(
