There's nothing priceless than being a precious human..

There's nothing priceless than being a precious human..

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

It was an Advanced & Surprised!

Today is 15th March

I was sleeping and suddenly i heard Nadia asked me to wake up.. I look at my fon and it showed 17:32.  Suddenly I said "OMG!!! I missed out Asar prayer" ( coz i was thinking it was 7:32.. while it was actually 5:32 o'clock.. haiyya..) "

After a while, I jumped out from my bed and asked Nadia whether she's really called me just now.. She said "yes, I thought u're already woke up" Then i realized that i took long time before i really wake up.. confirmed im in "mamai" mode.. hahah

Nadia said Atikah needs our help to carry things. In just a minute, I changed my short pants, cover my shirt with cardigan and grab my xpress tudung.  It was really quick and fast as i don't want to let Atikah waiting too long.  Plus there was rainy at that time.. Then, we went to lift and met Tajul just near to the lift.  Guess what i was thinking???  Im confused lorh... I thought Atikah was waiting for us at post guard, that's why I thought she's really need our help to carry her stuff (konon larh)... Then Atikah asked me to come into the car. (dah la xleh masuk sebelah kiri, kene masuk sebelah pintu kanan... lagi la i blur time tu.. tertanya tanya knp x blh masuk blh kiri.. luckily...nampak shirt tajul tergantung kt door sblh kiri...hehe)

Once i opened the door, i saw balloons.. aip!!! what all this meant for?? Then, Atikah told me bla bla bla.... and it was actually a surprise and advanced birthday celebration... o my dear... it's really a surprise! Billion thanx to you Atikah and Tajul for the cakes, pizza, and muffins plus drinks... Even that celebs was not as u've planned, i really appreciate yr gift today... that was too much and i just can say thank you Dearie Atikah, thank you Tajul... Both of you are great friends and i wish two of u will be happy together forever. Last but not least, to Jelitawan Nadiah, thanx for everything... Happy Advanced Birthday... Wish u hv a great soul partner soon... Please keep this: It's not a matter of fast or late, but it's all about a really true love for an endless life...

p/s:  either 16th or 17th, both are my worthy date on March ^_^

today's quotation: "Aduhai adindaku..." (dr Dinna, 2011@Lab 2 Menara UiTM)

*collages' motive?? my pleasure =p

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