There's nothing priceless than being a precious human..

There's nothing priceless than being a precious human..

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Best moment not always come.. but today it was!!

Along my bufday clock..16th March 2011

Since i've got the most precious moment on my advanced celebs 2 days ago, i was thinking to celebrate my real day on the other way round... i've borrowed Atikah's Canon cam and asked Ogai, Nadia, Atikah, Zira, Nurul and De to say something for my 24rd.. Unluckily, Na, Fiza and Nor wasn't there coz they hv own "business" on that time...

It was after Maghrib prayer and everyone was waiting for Isya'... (all my frenx really concern on their ibadah okay... triple like gitu) Btw, Ogai was still in telekung and i requested them all to wear telekung too (i wanna pure faces on tape okay)... as expected, they're really good and willing to fulfill my request.. thanx guys!!! then, tape was on and everyone plays their role... Ogai, you hv credibility as an instructor (mb for nasyid performance =p) thanx for joyful songs, best wishes and witty parts okay... u guys so funny.. i can't bear to laugh and it does affected the recording... well, we can see the shaking recording at first capture... hahaha.. hopefully this moment will always remain in my memory and you guys too...

Btw, Zira did mention in the video that she wanted us to out to KFC tonite and everyone was agreed.   De, Na, Nor and Fiza not join us coz they still on their own "agenda".. hurm... seems like i haven't out like tonite for ages... (psss... mmg da lama kan kita x kuar sesama cam ni... huhu)

Challenges come when it's time to reach Baiduri Apt... it was quite long time we're waiting for seranas bus, but it didn't appear at all.. then, we decided to get into RapidKL bus which cost more... double pay and triple far...huhu.. poor us..

16th March Momentos:
  • RapidKL ticket ~ 16th March for 6 of us
  • 16 times 1Malaysia song along the way from Sec 2 to Baiduri Apt
  • NRs' Meeting @ Menara UiTM (missed out)
  • Saw an ads with regards new ticketing system by RapidKL will start on March 17.. (i've proof okay)
  • Step out from the bus when the 17th song was about to start @ 23:42 (just few minutes to welcome 17th March)
To sum up... I love being 24 yrs old =p Next yr i'll turn to 25th... OMA!!!

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