There's nothing priceless than being a precious human..

There's nothing priceless than being a precious human..

Saturday, December 31, 2011

Always hope for the greatest.. WELCOME 2012!!

GOOD BYE 2011.. close chapter one..

when we say good bye, it means another new is coming and it's gonna be tough for me.. it's kind of closing everything and get ready for a new chapter in my life.. I've been living for almost 25 years and i wanna fill my diary with more excitement and precious moments forever.  There's a lot of things i wanna see in da inspired year of 2012.. and I wanna see how far I can achieve all these...

I want to enroll in da career field ASAP...means i really want to be hired.  I'd spent 3 years for dip, 3 years for degree.. (yet it's still not finish until this 14th) and I don't think to further studies for the time being.  Hurm.. I need to find a job and think of continue studies later on..if HE's willing..


Own vehicle!! easy-to-go anywhere, anytime..

wanna keep this arrogant ego and own that gorgeous car. gonna be awesome!!!


Seriously start saving..for myself, my living, those who support me a lot till what i have today esp mak, ayah, sibs.. and for those who needed.. insyaallah..

I want to live happily among the best & supportive people i always have in diz world.. really nothing without them..

dear Allah, please keep these people whom i love most being healthy and have a life-long..

open for chapter two..

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Muhasabah Diri Ini

as i couldnt sleep for the whole night, i started google-ing and found this meaningful page entitled "maksud bacaan duduk antara 2 sujud" (url:

Ketika dalam "duduk di antara dua sujud."
Dalam tidak sedar, setiap hari kita memohon didalam solat kita..tetapi sayangnya, kita hanya memohon tanpa memahami, sekadar tersebut dibibir, tetapi tidak tersentuh dari hati kita selama ini.
Marilah kita mula menghayati ketika kita duduk di antara dua sujud semasa solat.
Dengan rendah hati nyatakanlah permohonan ampun kepada Allah.. 

Rabbighfirli.. (Tuhanku, ampuni aku..)
Diamlah sejenak, buka dada dan diri kita untuk menerima ampunan dari Allah seperti membuka diri ketika merasakan hembusan angin sepoi-sepoi atau menerima curahan air hujan ketika kita masih kecil Tetaplah membuka diri kita untuk menerima ampunan Allah.  Ulangi permintaan itu beberapa kali hingga kita merasakan ketenangan.
Kemudian sampaikanlah permintaan kedua,

Warhamni.. (Sayangi aku..)
Diam dan tundukkanlah diri kita untuk menerima kasih-sayang Allah yang tak terhitung besarnya.  Bukalah dada kita seluas-luasnya agar semakin banyak kasih-sayang Allah yang kita terima.  Ulanglah beberapa kali hingga kita merasa cukup. Berturut-turut sampaikanlah permintaan2 berikut dengan cara sebagaimana tersebut di atas, satu persatu.

Wajburnii..  (Tutuplah aib-aibku..)
Warfa'nii..   (Angkatlah darjatku..)
Warzuqnii.. (Berilah aku rezeki..)
Wahdinii..    (Berilah aku petunjuk..)
Wa'Aafinii.. (Sihatkan aku..)
Wa'fuannii..(Maafkan aku..)

Setelah selesai, diamlah sejenak lalu sampaikan rasa syukur kita. Betapa besarnya nilai sebuah doa ini..sebuah doa yang kita hanya lewatkan begitu sahaja.. Dalam tidak kita sedar selama ini kita seperti sedang berpura-pura memohon sesuatu. Sebaik-baik manusia ialah orang yang dapat memberi manfaat kepada orang lain (Hadis riwayat Al-Qudhi).

p/s: fully pasted from

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Yes 4G

taken from net

Yes is made for today's internet  - it's fast, reliable, and wide enough for all your communication needs.  What's more, Yes is the first in the world to deliver high-quality voice calls on a mobile broadband network.  So you can now get both Internet and voice in one seamless plan (source: Yes site)

Im proud to be a Yes 4G user and I say Yes to the fastest 4G mobile internet with voice.  Click for details.. also like its social network 

Im effectively use Yes 4G since 13-10-2011.  There's rebate for students, free call, free sms.. this is why I say YESSS!!! Let's say YESSS!!!

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Cuma Aku

heliza, u r so suwit lah =)

There's someone who are created for u... it just that u have to be a bit patient and keep praying to to be given the best soul mate ever...insyaallah

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Most Great Day to be remembered!!

Today, May 7, 2011.. Things to be noted:-
  1. Im officially finished final exam (last paper-RET530).. and im nearer to da final stage, to become a degree holder.. Insyaallah..
  2. World Mother's Day.. Happy Mother's Day to all great mothers!!
  3. My Mak's Birthday
Happy 50th Birthday Mak!!
It's hard for me to find pic wif mum as most my meaningful folder has been hijacked. sob sob =(
Thanx for brought me to diz colorful stage.. For me, u are the most beautiful women I know.. U are the one, under whose love and care each moment i grow up.  U are the strongest, gentle and pure..

Im always complaining, but u are always advising
Im always losing confidence, but u are always believing
Im always drowing in stress, but u are always giving encourage
Im always asking from u, but u are always fulfilling
And what I can't forget about u is...
Im always making mistakes, but u are always forgiving
Dear Mak, I know that Im not too good in wishing u in the most appropriate way
Yet Im still searching for the right way.. The only thing I always do is to keep praying for your happiness and healthy.. And I hope wind can blow my love straight away to your heart.. MAK, I DO LOVE YOU MORE THAN OTHERS!! AND THIS WILL NEVER CHANGE.. I PROMISE!
Happy Mother's Day Mak!!
Kami sayang Mak sgt2 =) Please keep young & healthy

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Thank you Allah!!

Dear Almighty..

I hope im in da right path dat was shown by u..

*coz heart will never lie, i come across diz decision

Sunday, April 24, 2011

oh my fren!! ck nor!!

CURRENTLY is really tension.. while tomorrow will be facing paper MGT417 (Information Systems), but i really do not hv feeling to do revision after 3 days break. huhu.. honestly =p

then, i opened up google page and search my name as i hv to "investigate" for something important related to me.. which was abandoned since last month, i guess.. hu3, i forgot, always forgot... esp when its related to unlikey things.. hurm.. my bad. lol

finally, guess what i found???

there's me!!! =p

then, i click on da famous faces' images and i met diz nice blog owned by my gorgeous fren - ck nor (norsyarinie young rockie-anak mat saleh ni.. hehe).. cknor, ko tlh memfofularkan aku n da gang!! lol
btw, i didn't yet go through da whole blog since my Mr Motivation already called before i drowning for yr blog.
nice welcomie yeah =) ahlan wasahlan..

p/s:  cknor, mine didn't hv followers & it is for purposes =) Miss u damn much!!

tetibe segan ngn ko, sbb grammar berterabur, vocab men belasah je.. tp nk wat gane, aku ttp gedik nk berbahasa omputih.. naseb la kalu ko pening bc blog aku nih.. huhu..

salam sayang~ S.A.H.A.B.A.T

Homesick or Lovesick??

there will be answer on the day after tomorrow~

i hate myself for making da most terrible decision in my life ever!!!

Moral of da story:  Think positively before decide. Mouth can say, but only heart feels da hurt~

I miss u!! It's a real!

Dear Mr. FK_S

Saturday, April 23, 2011

I Love U! dat's why i let u go..

it's confusion, not a confession
it's virtual, not a reality
it's fate, not creation


Wednesday, April 20, 2011

A visit from Abg Shahrunizam & Sis Sabihah!

Love them and miss family damn much!! Memory captured: 11/04-14/04 ext 18/04/11

under one roof~

bz looking for big day's stuff~

Loving couple~

Love them so much!!

Ladies only~


da visitors' faces.. tq for coming!!

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Im Done with Negotiation!

Killer Date:  Apr 14, 2011

Massive Time:  10:30 AM - 01:00 PM

The situation warrants a negotiation between two parties mainly, the gov and members of the public sector.  The public are very upset with a number of public amenities agencies that have been privatized.  They have discriminately increased the rates.  The public sector would like to negotiate with the gov to ask them to get the agencies to reduce the current rates.

Duration:  30 minutes per group

Public claim:                         Gov authority:
Nurul & Ary                  VS            Nuni & Me
Fiza & Ili                       VS           Nadia & Laura
Atikah & Didi                VS           Amalina & Jaja Shaza
De & Farah                   VS           Jaja Aisyah & Nadia (immune)

Faces captured after we did nego:-

congrats to all!! 

Last presentation with Dr Dinna for this semester.. Alhamdulillah~TQ Allah!

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Can eat eggs again!! Yeayyy!!

No fake eggs

By Sean Augustin

Veterinary Services Department director-general Datuk Dr Abdul Aziz Jamaluddin comparing a high-grade egg (right) with one of a lower grade that was earlier

suspected to be a fake egg at Wisma Tani in Putrajaya yesterday. — Bernama picture
Veterinary Services Department director-general Datuk Dr Abdul Aziz Jamaluddin comparing a high-grade egg (right) with one of a lower grade that was earlier suspected to be a fake egg at Wisma Tani in Putrajaya yesterday. — Bernama picture

They may just be of inferior quality, says Vet Dept
PUTRAJAYA: Fake eggs are not being sold on the market.

This was the assurance given by the Veterinary Services Department, which said tested samples of “fake” eggs showed that they were genuine.

Director-general Datuk Dr Abdul Aziz Jamaluddin said the samples, which were taken from markets nationwide, including the market in Pulau Tikus, Penang, also showed the eggs were naturally produced, but of a lower grade.

This assurance comes a day after a preliminary analysis conducted on the eggs by the Health Ministry showed that they were real.

Aziz said the eggs seized from Pulau Tikus might have been spoilt, of low quality, or rejected and not cleared for sale to the public.

He ruled out the possibility that fake eggs were being brought into the country, because it was illegal to import eggs, except for breeding purposes.

“It is illegal to import eggs and this makes it difficult for fake eggs, which are mostly found overseas, to penetrate the local market.” The “fake eggs” fiasco surfaced after a 50-year-old housewife, bought a tray of 30 eggs for RM11 at the Pulau Tikus market.

She claimed they were fake because they were unusually large in size and did not emit any smell.

The matter was highlighted by the Consumers Association of Penang, which claimed that their study of the eggs showed they were fake.

One discerning feature was that when the egg was broken, there was no sign of chalazae, the opaque ropes of egg white that hold the egg yolk in the centre of the shell.

Subsequently, Penang Domestic Trade , Cooperat ives and Consumerism Ministry officers seized 270 eggs from three stalls in the Pulau Tikus market.

Aziz said it did not make economic sense to produce fake eggs as the production cost to make a fake was high and each could only be sold for 30 sen.

“It is hard to replicate what God has created. If there is a fake egg on the market, I am willing to pay a good sum for it.” It was reported that in the fake eggs, the egg white and yolk would mix quickly when broken.

Aziz said the reports on the fake eggs had no effect on the sales of eggs.

However, he said to ensure eggs produced here were of high quality, all producers would soon be required to register with the department and would have to fulfil certain standards.

The eggs will have information such as their grade, the name of the producer and the date of production.

Aziz said the system had already been implemented in the larger farms where eggs were produced for overseas markets.

“We want the smaller farms to adopt the same system,” he said, adding that a meeting with the Federation of Livestock Farmers’ Association of Malaysia would be held soon.

The country’s 390 farms producing 23.46 million eggs daily.

Health Minister Datuk Seri Liow Tiong Lai told Bernama that DNA analysis by the Chemistry Department of four chicken egg samples from Penang found that the eggs were genuine. He said the protein contents were similar.

Liow said strict enforcement at entry points would continue to ensure that food brought into the country was safe.

Monday, April 11, 2011

Fake eggs or Genuine eggs??

Thursday April 7, 2011

Homemaker shocked over ‘fake eggs’ find

GEORGE TOWN: A woman who bought a tray of eggs in Pulau Tikus had a shock when she found them to be “fake eggs”.
Consumers Association of Penang president S.M. Mohamed Idris said the housewife had brought the eggs to his office after finding something fishy when she tried to cook them.
“She told us that the eggs did not smell like real eggs and were tasteless. It was also of unusual shapes and larger than real eggs.
Unidentical twins: The fake egg (left) is different in shape and colour from the genuine egg

“The fake egg also had a rougher surface than the genuine one.
“When cracked, there was no sign of chalaza, the structure inside the egg that keeps the yolk in place.
“The fake egg white and yolk quickly mixed together, unlike that of real eggs,” Idris said.
The fake egg yolk (left) is more yellowish than that of a normal egg. 
He said after boiling the egg and cutting it open, the egg yolk appeared to be more “yellowish” than that of a normal egg.
Idris said an e-mail widely circulated among the public in Penang had claimed that fake eggs which were common in China, were full of chemicals and sold at lower prices.
Idris also said it would be very hard to tell the difference between fake eggs and genuine ones as both looked almost identical.
“Try to look out for the weird shapes,” he said, adding that his staff members had bought more eggs from the shop frequented by the woman and found them to be “fake”.
A tray of 30 real eggs costs around RM10.50. The fake eggs cost RM11.
Domestic Trade, Cooperatives and Consumerism enforcement chief M. Guna Selan said his office had not received any such complaint.
Source: NSTOnline

live pun ade.. haissyy

*it has been abt 2weeks i didn't take egg.. until yesterday evening i saw boiled egg made by my housemate (nurul) as she cook nasi lemak.. was the egg ori or fake?? SCARY OKAY!!

Friday, April 8, 2011

Big Thank You Abg Long!!

Abang Long, thank you!!!

Im sorry, but i juz couldn't bear da feelings.. i felt so bad & didn't know what to do in this sunny afternoon.. it was so suck thinking of something dat i didn't expect to happen for this time being as i have a lot of other things to cover right now.. i was really tired & fully exhausted!! i had a very massive brain right now!! and the fact is that starting from today, there will be only one week left before the study week..

Yes!!!! study week will be starting from Apr 16th and my first final exam paper will start on 21st Apr.. and with dis one week left, i have so many killer things to settle down.. tests for business and nego course.. simulation for negotiation.. final presentation for negotiation..

Abg Long, I felt so shame as i have to put burden on u when i know dat i should be more brave and ready to face for any challenge.  Thanks for yr supports and motivation... im proud to have a motivated-born brother like u!! After all, u hold da born-titled as u r the most respected motivator to the others...

I hope i'll be given chance to pay u back once i enter da career field. Amin.. (im shame enough to ask money.. why can't money stay forever wif me??) huhuhu

*my eyes were teary, my heart hurts & i wonder why i feel so sad today..

"no matter what happens, u hv to face it.. don't run!! take it as a challenge for a better life.. bear in yr mind that u know u can do something to cope" (pesanan seorang abang kpd adik)

*today's financial aid topup: RM1,000 via cimb account (not to brag, but as to mk me always remember to what hv been given to me)
*pak tam nyawa2 ikan~ medical cost: RM135 + cuci2 service.. with hope pak tam akan rasa disayangi and please don't gv me problem anymore..
*big thanx to LGB5AB guys who helped me a lot (epi,kamal,muaz,hazlami,che mede,amir,kamil,ajit + tukang try start moto smpai pak tam selsema) .. jasamu akan kukenang sampai ku kawen ngn anak YB Dato' =p 
*not forgotten, thanx atikah for accompanying me today.. also to ayuni afatin for welcome us to stay at yr calm house ( i slept with comfort ok) while waiting for pak tam to get medical services.  thanx jgk for nice cooking.. i will miss yr udang masak merah, bergedil and ayam berempah =) nnti lau nuni datang umah aida, aida pun akan serve mknn yg sedap2... sedap dr dapur tunjuk2.. heheh =p

Happy 25hours Activate!

since last night i was preparing for persuasion presentation that will be evaluated diz morning.  Out of 6 people left to present, i was the fifth person.. ohohohoh... after presentation, we had short briefing with regard our negotiation presentation dat will be held by next week.. it was abt how the process will be going, where the public and government authority should take place and so forth..

then, went back for a short break wif Marimar!

at 4 p.m., went out to Plaza Alam Sentral (PAS) with Nadia to buy laptop adapter as well as to binding my next-to-be scrapbook (assessment for IBM530).  The scrapbook should be submitted by tomorrow morning, yet i didn't work on it.

arrived at home by 5:30 pm and on lappy for da sake of getting da faces of five successful entrepreneurs ready-printed form.

8:30 pm, went for printing, binding, and food searching from "kedai belakang Baiduri" to Sec2.  While waiting for taking away nasi goreng kg and mee goreng basah, i got phone call from a fren asking me if i hv time to accompany him for karoks!! i told him dat i've a lot of things to settle down by tonite and he understood.  then, nak dijadikan cerita.... suddenly he told me dat he'll be going to uitm seri iskandar tomorrow for a tournament.  aha... i can see stars at dat time.. heheh.. (actually, i need to pass my sis lappy to her fren on this weekend.  then, since i know someone can be trusted to pass the lappy, i asked him if he can pass my sis lappy and he said he'll think abt it as he will be going with group to Perak and worried if he can't afford to take the responsibility.. as for me, i juz say "is okay" then.. hello, eventhough im desperate, i cant force people to be responsible for a big matter..)

9:00 pm, he called me and asked if i can go out for a while as he's willing to help me. of course i said NO as im totally running out of time, yet many things still not in progressing.. however, i gave in as he did persuasion very well. (aku gile ke ape nk naye org dtg dr PJ ke Shah Alam semata2 nk amek lappy?? haiyyya) hahah.. we compromised that he will send me home by 11 pm and go out by 9:30 pm.

9:20 pm, arrived@Baiduri.. i realized that i left the photostat person forgot to give me the original paper (it's Nadiah' papers - the worst thing is she needs the papers to study for IBM test tomorrow.. huhu).. go back to the shop, luckily it is near to my apartment.. it took 10 minutes and my fren was already in front Baiduri.. haiyya.. i told him that i need 10 mins more.. then, he went to fill up petrol.. yet i juz arrived @ home when he come from patrol station and i asked for another 5 (there's a problem with under-maintenance lift.. it's really under-maintenance okay)

9:45 pm, get into his car and went to small karoks' place near Giant Sec7.  The place was fully used and we've to wait for another 2 songs.  Okay, juz wait then.. While we'd make compromise, he's still want to take 15 songs per pack.  No way!! I asked for only 7. hahaha... Layan jela until the last credit.

11:15 pm, finished karoks and we came out for our compromise.. i hv done mine, then, his turn. hahah.. he took my lappy.. yeayyy!!

11:30 pm. safely arrived at home.. directly gather all my things for scrapbook on my unique working area ~ on my bed (upper level of twin bed)... start writing, cutting, calculating, arranging, coloring, shaping, designing, glue-ing, pastel-ing... hahah... seriously hv no idea & juz follow my hands...

04:00 am. juz realized that i do not perform Isya' prayer yet.  Then, take 10..

04:10 am.  scrapbook progressing.............

06:30 am. perform Subuh prayer...

06:50 am. last touch-up.. finishing point!!!

07:00 am.  scrap papers become a scrapbook!! eventhough very simple, i satisfy with my very last minutes work.huhu... padan muka haku~ (part tulisan cantik sengaja tinggal dgn motif nk pinjam pen kengkawan later.. sdr tulisan x berapa nk creative and cantik, cover jela ngn colorful pen.. at least sdp mata lect tgk ble ade kaler sikit2..heheh) OFF TO SLEEP~ intentionally no set alarm clock... (nk tgk smpai ble aku ley lelap..hahah)

08:00 am. thanx Atikah for wake me up!!

08:30 am. go to class at Kenanga (ECO415 - case study presentation).  while listen to the presentation, hands are actively make-up the last words for scrapbook (after menagih simpati utk mendapatkan pen kaler2 ~ dan berjaya menarik perhatian Nurul, Ajit, Nuni.. thanx korg!) DONE with scrapbook, i jot down some important points for IBM Test which will be held after ECO class.. hahah.. Good JOB aida!!! 2 chapters should be covered, but i was only prepare for Corruption chapter only.. ape nk jadi, jadilah  aida...

10:40 am.  IBM Test! Allah blessed me!! =) The class end at 11:20 am.. Off to the parking area... My pak tam was not feeling well today... need to bring to the clinic.. hurghhh...

12:00 noon.  Mechanic come with aid from epy n kamal n others.. thanx guys.. and guess what??? pak tam suddenly turned okay and it was like nothing happened!! pfft!! However, I decided to go to the mechanic to add doss on pak tam.. so that, pak tam will become more aggressive. Pak Tam can only be taken by 5 pm or 6 pm and i decided to stay at Nuni's house. 

01:00 pm.  OFF TO BED

04:00 pm.  WAKE UP

06:30 pm.  Goodbye NUNI!!! GET PAK TAM BACK with fresh body and new accessories =p

07:00 pm.  Arrived at Baiduri

12:00 pm. Still active typing =P

Critical time always goes for critical things!!!

Friday, April 1, 2011

What should i say..

It happened on yesterday morning while my frenx and i were waiting for Dr Asiah to finish up her class since we will be going to use the same lab for Negotiation & Persuasion course with our beloved Dr. Dinna.

Suddenly i saw Dr Mazli was walking along the way where we had sit.  As a student, i should greet him to show my respect.  And i said "Good morning Dr Mazli"... Yes, i can see he smile and he stopped for a second juz to say "Hi, Good Morning.. Btw, I have a part 2 student look alike yr face" Me:  Ayyak.. daa..
Dr Mazli in da midde.. (taken from fb account.yeayy)

Fact:  We're born with 7 look alike faces.

But i guess there were so many people who told me
"i've fren look alike u"
"i think i've seen u before"
"a fren of my fren is look alike yr face"
"yr face is look alike her... bla bla bla...."
 Hurm, wtever it is, im glad to be born as i am now.. Thanx Allah!

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Have a blast!! Nor Asma Aripin & Suhaili Suria

Today both of yr 24rd..
To both of u... i wish all da best & hv a greatest age zone okay ^_^ 

Nor Asma is my best buddy during secondary school ages.. let's check out for sema's face (snap from her fb image collection ~ she's in black+blue head-cover)
u are so cute and i really miss our schooldays.. miss u too saba =)
May Allah Bless U Always!!

Next bufday gurl, Suhaili Suria is actually my very old colleague but we had been separated after i moved to the other school.. we'd been competed together during Standard 2 & 3 at SK Tok Jembal, K. Terengganu before i went to SK Gong Badak, K. Trg.  It was really out of expectation to meet her again at Puncak Perdana (UiTM) under same degree course and even be in the same class.. it was 2009!!! means after 13 years we not seeing each other.. Allah Bless us too much!!! Currently we have very limited time to spend before we go to internship and be a graduate. 

Suhaili.Me.Nadiah ~ currently are da classmates

Again, Happy Birthday to You ~ Sema & Ili
Hopefully our friendship will last to da end. Amin @_@

Academic & Motivational Trip

It was an academic and motivational trip to Sarawak from 24th - 28th March 2011 (5 days 4 nights). We stayed at UiTM hostel (Serapi College-for ladies while i dont hv idea wht's da name of da college where guys stayed)..

There were only 29 of us (LGB5AB) when it supposed to be 31 altogether. Hazlami & Nadia couldn't make it due to personal & health condition. Together with us during the trip are our beloved IB Lecturer, Madam Norlelawati and her friend.

The memories were captured there:

SATT College - UiTM Affiliated College
MISC Sarawak Agencies
Kek Lapis Dayang Salhah Factory & Shop
Sarawak Cultural Village
Department of Civil Aviation
Bird Nest Shop Auntie Farah
Pottery-making Factory

the lecturers

pottery making factory