There's nothing priceless than being a precious human..

There's nothing priceless than being a precious human..

Friday, January 27, 2012

no place like home

oh my dear... everyone should hv this title inside them, i guess..

after 3 months+ stayed at new place, tonight i'll be coming home.. better to be said "return to hometown".. why?? got no more reason to stay at Shah Alam after 3 years degree's sake. i'm officially finished all courses but of course still waiting for final CGPA and GPA.. insyaallah will be announced on this 22nd February.  hopefully, i pass with rainbows!!!

time has coming.. i'll return to parents, big brothers and younger sisters' side.. sounds like i'd been traveled for so long rite?? for me, yes!!! i'd spent 6++ years away from family for the sake of studying.. now, i want to spend more time with them.. i wish longer than the past semesters break. yeayyy @_@

the memoir of coming home - 27 Aug 2011


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