There's nothing priceless than being a precious human..

There's nothing priceless than being a precious human..

Friday, January 27, 2012

Menarik Rambut Dalam Tepung

doing nothing in this early morning and just re-thinking of this Malay proverb "menarik rambut dalam tepung".. 


people said, be careful while pulling hair out from the flour. make sure hair is not broken and flour not scattered.

i wonder how people got to create and use this proverb huh??

after all.. i'm not going to truly elaborate this proverb dowh..  i just wanna say that i never know that i'm that kind of person after someone told me last two nights.  after explanations and story-telling went through the night, i realized what grade you are at judging me as a normal human.

dear special heart-shared, thanks for always being behind me and always listening to me.  i just wish if i couldn't interfere you one day, but still doesn't work until now.  in fact, everyday it should be!!

please don't worry.. coz i know what you mean.  yes, i'm pretty sure for what i'm doing.  of course i'll not do silly mistakes in any issue.  you know how careful i am right!  that's why i care you much!!


p/s:  i want you to know how glad i am to say out what i really wanna say since our first day.  luckily, the last two days made it worked.  i have said mine and i felt awesome!!  i really meant it and i hope you can accept it and really understand what i said to you.  there's nothing got to do with one head right.. coz two heads are better than one.. believe me!!  "Kalau kita kejar akhirat..kita pasti akan dapat dunia..tapi kalau kita kejar dunia kita takkan dapat akhirat."  ehem.. quote sape la ni kan ;-)

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