There's nothing priceless than being a precious human..

There's nothing priceless than being a precious human..

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Im Proud of You..

you're the most excellent i'd ever found.. excellent "duniawi" and "ukhrawi"

may Allah s.w.t bless you always!!

p/s:  can't wait to hear you everyday.. yr stories really amazing and amazing ok..

Friday, January 27, 2012

no place like home

oh my dear... everyone should hv this title inside them, i guess..

after 3 months+ stayed at new place, tonight i'll be coming home.. better to be said "return to hometown".. why?? got no more reason to stay at Shah Alam after 3 years degree's sake. i'm officially finished all courses but of course still waiting for final CGPA and GPA.. insyaallah will be announced on this 22nd February.  hopefully, i pass with rainbows!!!

time has coming.. i'll return to parents, big brothers and younger sisters' side.. sounds like i'd been traveled for so long rite?? for me, yes!!! i'd spent 6++ years away from family for the sake of studying.. now, i want to spend more time with them.. i wish longer than the past semesters break. yeayyy @_@

the memoir of coming home - 27 Aug 2011


Menarik Rambut Dalam Tepung

doing nothing in this early morning and just re-thinking of this Malay proverb "menarik rambut dalam tepung".. 


people said, be careful while pulling hair out from the flour. make sure hair is not broken and flour not scattered.

i wonder how people got to create and use this proverb huh??

after all.. i'm not going to truly elaborate this proverb dowh..  i just wanna say that i never know that i'm that kind of person after someone told me last two nights.  after explanations and story-telling went through the night, i realized what grade you are at judging me as a normal human.

dear special heart-shared, thanks for always being behind me and always listening to me.  i just wish if i couldn't interfere you one day, but still doesn't work until now.  in fact, everyday it should be!!

please don't worry.. coz i know what you mean.  yes, i'm pretty sure for what i'm doing.  of course i'll not do silly mistakes in any issue.  you know how careful i am right!  that's why i care you much!!


p/s:  i want you to know how glad i am to say out what i really wanna say since our first day.  luckily, the last two days made it worked.  i have said mine and i felt awesome!!  i really meant it and i hope you can accept it and really understand what i said to you.  there's nothing got to do with one head right.. coz two heads are better than one.. believe me!!  "Kalau kita kejar akhirat..kita pasti akan dapat dunia..tapi kalau kita kejar dunia kita takkan dapat akhirat."  ehem.. quote sape la ni kan ;-)

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

This too shall past

Unbelievable! I felt like it was only yesterday my colleagues said this to me. “this too shall past dear..” What a relief.. after 3 years.. everything gonna past tomorrow. Tomorrow will be the last assessment - presentation for the Fulfilment of the Academic Project Requirement. Hopefully everything runs smoothly and I wish I can recover for the last week presentation for Sponsorship Proposal. hurm.. Even people did not tell me, I already know how my presentation went last week.  I know it was not the best and I know I can do far better than last week.  Yet I knew what make me went that way.. yes, I know..  hurm.. back to the topic, I wish I could fly once the presentation finished tomolo… I really need my mum’s hug. Mak, Aida rindu mak sangat2~

mak - da best idol ever!!

true smiles make me strong and always strong

Good Luck Shazwani Aida!! It will be your last. Beat for the best OK!!

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Kalau Dah Jodoh

1 week to go before coursework gonna end. . meaning there will just one more step for EPC!! Im done for 2 professional presentations, waiting for the last one.. maybe on the next Thursday or Friday.. yeayy!! 

Oppss.. I just realize that this shall not be an entry for coursework.. hurm.. let’s go back to the title “KALAU DAH JODOH”… im referring to the two of my classmates who gonna get married right after we finished this coursework.. the ceremonies will be on this 21st (Saturday) at Kelantan. Hurm.. sounds good right!! Two colleagues come from the same state, studied in the same course, and gonna get married on the same day!! And what is more…………………… the MR RIGHT also come from the same state!!! Hurm…..I shall said that they really hv strong chemistry!!

Introducing the future-brides…

The bride-to-be (Nurul & Amalina)
here the invitation goes.. everything is so easy nowadays coz we hv technology.. but make sure you use them for right things okay...

a comel-lote kind-hearted amalina.. i wonder where she puts her snap with mr hafizi coz i couldnt find one.. hu3

miss nurul and mr fauzan.. sedondon & ade iras kan kan!! panjang jodoh kalau muka suami isteri ada iras, kata org tua..
This gonna be my wish to the future brides:

Dear Miss Amalina and Miss Nurul,
Your big day is just around da corner..
I am happy for both of you..
I hope for the best to both of you and mr. right
I hope both of you be strong in facing thick & thin
May both of you and partners find the greatest journeys as a great husband&wife
Don’t stop loving each other every seconds, minutes, hours, days, months, years.. till da end of lives..
May Allah shower both of you and mr. right forever

Not forgotten, another majlis of my friend.. ECAH.  We met in UiTM Dungun.. we were in da same class (GROUP B) while we studying for Dip in Office Management & Technology (DOMT) since Dec 2005-Dec 2008.  She’s also a Kelantanese okay.. hurm.. comey2 ore kelate nih.. I’ve been invited, but im not really sure if I can go.. of course I wanna go if Im not stuck with other stuff on that day.. however, I did wish her in advanced.. obviously..indeed!!
you both are so sweet okay


Mode:  start to count other’s big day~

Saturday, December 31, 2011

Always hope for the greatest.. WELCOME 2012!!

GOOD BYE 2011.. close chapter one..

when we say good bye, it means another new is coming and it's gonna be tough for me.. it's kind of closing everything and get ready for a new chapter in my life.. I've been living for almost 25 years and i wanna fill my diary with more excitement and precious moments forever.  There's a lot of things i wanna see in da inspired year of 2012.. and I wanna see how far I can achieve all these...

I want to enroll in da career field ASAP...means i really want to be hired.  I'd spent 3 years for dip, 3 years for degree.. (yet it's still not finish until this 14th) and I don't think to further studies for the time being.  Hurm.. I need to find a job and think of continue studies later on..if HE's willing..


Own vehicle!! easy-to-go anywhere, anytime..

wanna keep this arrogant ego and own that gorgeous car. gonna be awesome!!!


Seriously start saving..for myself, my living, those who support me a lot till what i have today esp mak, ayah, sibs.. and for those who needed.. insyaallah..

I want to live happily among the best & supportive people i always have in diz world.. really nothing without them..

dear Allah, please keep these people whom i love most being healthy and have a life-long..

open for chapter two..

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Muhasabah Diri Ini

as i couldnt sleep for the whole night, i started google-ing and found this meaningful page entitled "maksud bacaan duduk antara 2 sujud" (url:

Ketika dalam "duduk di antara dua sujud."
Dalam tidak sedar, setiap hari kita memohon didalam solat kita..tetapi sayangnya, kita hanya memohon tanpa memahami, sekadar tersebut dibibir, tetapi tidak tersentuh dari hati kita selama ini.
Marilah kita mula menghayati ketika kita duduk di antara dua sujud semasa solat.
Dengan rendah hati nyatakanlah permohonan ampun kepada Allah.. 

Rabbighfirli.. (Tuhanku, ampuni aku..)
Diamlah sejenak, buka dada dan diri kita untuk menerima ampunan dari Allah seperti membuka diri ketika merasakan hembusan angin sepoi-sepoi atau menerima curahan air hujan ketika kita masih kecil Tetaplah membuka diri kita untuk menerima ampunan Allah.  Ulangi permintaan itu beberapa kali hingga kita merasakan ketenangan.
Kemudian sampaikanlah permintaan kedua,

Warhamni.. (Sayangi aku..)
Diam dan tundukkanlah diri kita untuk menerima kasih-sayang Allah yang tak terhitung besarnya.  Bukalah dada kita seluas-luasnya agar semakin banyak kasih-sayang Allah yang kita terima.  Ulanglah beberapa kali hingga kita merasa cukup. Berturut-turut sampaikanlah permintaan2 berikut dengan cara sebagaimana tersebut di atas, satu persatu.

Wajburnii..  (Tutuplah aib-aibku..)
Warfa'nii..   (Angkatlah darjatku..)
Warzuqnii.. (Berilah aku rezeki..)
Wahdinii..    (Berilah aku petunjuk..)
Wa'Aafinii.. (Sihatkan aku..)
Wa'fuannii..(Maafkan aku..)

Setelah selesai, diamlah sejenak lalu sampaikan rasa syukur kita. Betapa besarnya nilai sebuah doa ini..sebuah doa yang kita hanya lewatkan begitu sahaja.. Dalam tidak kita sedar selama ini kita seperti sedang berpura-pura memohon sesuatu. Sebaik-baik manusia ialah orang yang dapat memberi manfaat kepada orang lain (Hadis riwayat Al-Qudhi).

p/s: fully pasted from