There's nothing priceless than being a precious human..

There's nothing priceless than being a precious human..

Sunday, January 23, 2011


Just to review this movie... I watched diz movie on 20th Jan ago, on Thaipusams Day with da other 2 "jelitawan" Nadiah and Nurul @ Sunway Piramid.. the cheapest and near place to go for TGV.. huhu... After so long Q (it's normal lah aida... on da holiday..), we managed to get 3 seats for FASTER at 1:40pm on dat day...hurm, full of action movie!!! me turned into "ganas-soul" for awhile.. hahah... another thing is, i juz can't keep smiling when i catch this word "faster" (gosh!! da title itself!!) and it is obviously appear at da very beginning of the showing time... lol

it makes me thinking what is da really suit subtitle for "faster"..  coz they defined that word as "kelajuan".. well, people said it's just about da language & why do i concern dat much?? hurm... as if i got nothing to do then.. well, i've nothing to say as i know i should be very particular wif language as language is my profession.. when it's about profession, then, it's about my life.. Dear Allah, please save me (",)
(catch da movie trailer here.. it's awesome!!!)

and we're da viewers... Nadia.. Nurul... me

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