There's nothing priceless than being a precious human..

There's nothing priceless than being a precious human..

Monday, January 17, 2011

I am a Prime Minister

Last 2 days, me, Nadiah, Atikah, Ogai and Zira were sitting at the living hall...we're juz having normal discussion until one moment Zira make us laugh..Diz is what Zira said to me

Zira:  Aida, wt do u wanna do if u're becoming a Prime Minister (I translate this)
Me:   Huh???

Suddenly, all of us laugh, laugh and laugh...Wt kind of Q i ever had...
*Hurm, Im juz thinking how Zira can ask dat Q to me...LOL @_@
  Am i deserve enough to be a leader??hohoho

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