There's nothing priceless than being a precious human..

There's nothing priceless than being a precious human..

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Shoulder surfing

diz term is almost popular during quizzes, tests, n even during the final's kind of direct observation techniques to look for someone's ideas..dis is what u shud do to overcome those people wif "shoulder surfing" virus.......or u yrself are one of an active shoulder surfer???...LOL

by this way, yr ideas are well protected rite!!! yeahh @_@

Ref: When Dr Aida thinks

Sunday, January 23, 2011


Just to review this movie... I watched diz movie on 20th Jan ago, on Thaipusams Day with da other 2 "jelitawan" Nadiah and Nurul @ Sunway Piramid.. the cheapest and near place to go for TGV.. huhu... After so long Q (it's normal lah aida... on da holiday..), we managed to get 3 seats for FASTER at 1:40pm on dat day...hurm, full of action movie!!! me turned into "ganas-soul" for awhile.. hahah... another thing is, i juz can't keep smiling when i catch this word "faster" (gosh!! da title itself!!) and it is obviously appear at da very beginning of the showing time... lol

it makes me thinking what is da really suit subtitle for "faster"..  coz they defined that word as "kelajuan".. well, people said it's just about da language & why do i concern dat much?? hurm... as if i got nothing to do then.. well, i've nothing to say as i know i should be very particular wif language as language is my profession.. when it's about profession, then, it's about my life.. Dear Allah, please save me (",)
(catch da movie trailer here.. it's awesome!!!)

and we're da viewers... Nadia.. Nurul... me

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

I luv them

People in this slides:
Nur Atikah A Samad
Nur Nadiah Fatihah Johari
Amalina Ismail
Nurul Hafizah Bongsu
Fadhlina Che Arshad
Nur Hafizah Ab Malek
Rugayah Junaidi
Hazirah Husni
Shazwani Aida Mohamad Noor

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Shun "phony friendliness"

Guys...Sounds like Japanese rite? And i wonder if can say it's can be Japanlish lol @_@

Shun:  To avoid deliberately
Phony friendliness:  Pretend to be friendly or firm

Therefore, the above terms actually saying "never pretend to be friendly" OK

Ref:  When Dr Aida thinks..

"Sandwich Generational Family"

Definition:  A situation where parents, grandparents and children live together in a house

Is this good or bad? Hurm...whatever it is, it's depend on the situation...As for me, better not to have this term in my family as my family itself is a big family of nine..It juz that I cant really imagine how disaster my family wif another nine and it becomes 18!!! O....BIG NO!!!  Btw, this term does has pros which it might strengthen da bond among the family members.

Ref:  When Dr Aida thinks...

Monday, January 17, 2011

I'm Extra-joyed!

Agenda:  Shooting
Location: Baiduri Apt, UiTM (APB, Kenanga)
Date:      16th Jan 2010
Time:      8.15 a.m. ~ 3.00 pm
Artists:   Hot chicks from M1-9-66 Baiduri Apt (Aida aka me-atikah-nadiah-amalina-nurul-ogai-nor-de-fiza-zira)
Props:    Helium ballons, luv ballons, bubles (gun+otoman), mat, windmill, umbrella (nad's), a tulip, a bouquet roses (k.liza's), lolipop (2)...opssss...i've da prove ok...plz scroll

Food:    Drinks (Soy+Lychee), Gardenia's bread (we're time we've to bring nasi lemak also ^_^) bubu drinks yeos lychee okay

Photographer:  Mr Azhar (K.Liza's friend)

Let's check it out what happen when 10 hot chicks fit in da photo ^_^

Da photos taken using my cam...dos are the result...

Remarks:  Fully satisfied wif my captured...Can't wait for da real pro captured (",)

I am a Prime Minister

Last 2 days, me, Nadiah, Atikah, Ogai and Zira were sitting at the living hall...we're juz having normal discussion until one moment Zira make us laugh..Diz is what Zira said to me

Zira:  Aida, wt do u wanna do if u're becoming a Prime Minister (I translate this)
Me:   Huh???

Suddenly, all of us laugh, laugh and laugh...Wt kind of Q i ever had...
*Hurm, Im juz thinking how Zira can ask dat Q to me...LOL @_@
  Am i deserve enough to be a leader??hohoho

Saturday, January 15, 2011


This person named NIK INTAN SURIANA MOHD GHAZALI a.k.a INTAN is juz 25 years today...wish diz special person dat i've ever knew to have a blast one on diz memorable date.  She's really someone for me and i love her so much...She's one of my idol okay...Intan, thanx for being a very supportive friend..I'll never forget u & hope u so..Always keep in touch k..and once again...

May Allah bless u always & all your dreams come true
*I want a baby ^_^

Niey really miss Intan

I'll be seriously start blogging from now onwards

i've been blogging before but i never take serious until at one point, i'm getting bored to share my beautiful journey to the others. plus time never gv me chance to write much..huh

however, i cant make it..instead of blogwalking, i really need to write on my own...

now, here i come wif brand new...diz is a template where i write everything dat i wanted to.... my feeling, my journey, my interest, my pleasure and everything...