There's nothing priceless than being a precious human..

There's nothing priceless than being a precious human..

Saturday, December 31, 2011

Always hope for the greatest.. WELCOME 2012!!

GOOD BYE 2011.. close chapter one..

when we say good bye, it means another new is coming and it's gonna be tough for me.. it's kind of closing everything and get ready for a new chapter in my life.. I've been living for almost 25 years and i wanna fill my diary with more excitement and precious moments forever.  There's a lot of things i wanna see in da inspired year of 2012.. and I wanna see how far I can achieve all these...

I want to enroll in da career field ASAP...means i really want to be hired.  I'd spent 3 years for dip, 3 years for degree.. (yet it's still not finish until this 14th) and I don't think to further studies for the time being.  Hurm.. I need to find a job and think of continue studies later on..if HE's willing..


Own vehicle!! easy-to-go anywhere, anytime..

wanna keep this arrogant ego and own that gorgeous car. gonna be awesome!!!


Seriously start saving..for myself, my living, those who support me a lot till what i have today esp mak, ayah, sibs.. and for those who needed.. insyaallah..

I want to live happily among the best & supportive people i always have in diz world.. really nothing without them..

dear Allah, please keep these people whom i love most being healthy and have a life-long..

open for chapter two..